
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Freezing cold hikes, insects, pregnant goats, & inner-peace.

Hello lovelies!

As you may or may not have noticed, it has been quite some time since I last sat down and devoted a chunk of time towards a post. Well starting now I have decided to commit to posting on here more often even if means just writing a tiny fraction of what I normally would. I am slowly realizing that condensing my reality into a few short lines is nearly an impossibility for me - but I am going to try! Consistency not quantity right?

So onto what's new in my life. Well, let me start by saying that I am writing to you right now with the hottest butt ever! In all seriousness though, I just discovered my mom's heating pad and it rocks. My room, for whatever reason, is the coldest in the house and so a little extra heat goes a long way. Plus now my backside is super cozy! (:

Let me do a quick (or not so quick) weekend recap for you: J. came to visit and we had a ultra lazy yet super productive mini-vacation. During our 4 nights and 3 days together we:

- almost performed at an open mic, but left early due to a fee that we were unaware of, and a super cranky&rude lady working at the coffee shop where the open mic was held. I was bummed that I didn't get to see my friend perform her song but I didn't want to/realize that I was suppose to spend money in order to view or perform in the open mic. And in regards to t woman's rude nature: I honestly don't know why anyone would be inconsiderate towards another person about something so small. Neither J. nor I knew about the money and I told her that in all honesty the rule was new to me and I was simply unaware. However, she showed no empathy or understanding at all but rather judgement and hostility. She did nothing but lose two costumers forever.

- made waffles, pancakes, indian spiced chickpeas, and lentil sloppy joes... talk about a fiesta of vegan recipes! Actually I can't take credit - J. made all of these recipes!
I tend to be reluctant when it comes to making new recipes - usually I end up opting for good old fashioned connivence foods like hummus, salads, beans - whatever is around. J. however, tends to require more variety and culinary creativity on a regular basis. Every day I learn a little more from his genius.

- went on a beautiful hour long hike up a snowy and cold mountain to watch the sun sink down. It was beautiful, and by that I mean beautifully freezing. We. Were. Frigid.

- Made friends with an awesome bug which J. named Jasper. Jasper followed us around all weekend. I first met him in my room on Thursday night before J. and I met up. My first encounter with Jasper was on the floor of my bedroom where I found him crawling around before relocating him to a plant out in our living room. The second time Jay and I found him crawling on the floor in my room once again. I made sure to introduce them both to one another. The third time Jay and I saw Jasper was in the kitchen while we were making dinner. He fell off of the light in the center of the kitchen and onto the island counter-top. I put him onto a kale stem that had been sitting around and he remained there for the remainder of the evening. We eventually left the kitchen and returned to to bedroom, bringing Jasper and his kale stem with us. Eventually he crawled off of the stem and onto my dresser. Yet it wasn't long before we saw Jasper again! He met up with Jay and I once again in the kitchen ontop of the island. He also met up with me again yesterday morning, hiding inside of my shoe. J. and I found out that Jasper is a leaf footed bug. How do I know that it is the same bug? Well, I have never seen a leaf footed bug in my house before this and also I just have a sixth sense around bugs. Trust me guys, I just know.

- We had a play date with some adorable, pregnant goats! They were kind enough to show us around their little home and we happily obliged. They were real sweeties.

- We went to the Peace Pagoda in Leverett, an incedible buddhist monument created entirely by monks, nuns, and volunteers. It is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I know of and trekking up the wintering hills of Leverett (it is only a five minute walk) is quickly becoming a winterly tradition for J. and I. We went this time last year and I hope to visit again this time next winter and hopefully in the spring (the optimal pagoda-visiting-season) as well!

- played a bit of music, listened to music, watched some funny movies, and just plain old spent time together.


It was a wonderful way to spend a very cold couple of days.

Quote of the day:

"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage. " - Maya Angelou

Here are links to the recipes I listed above:

Banana Pancakes:

Indian Spiced Chickpeas:

Lentil sloppy joes:

* I am not including the waffles because they were really heavy and ultimately not the best. But these other recipes? Winners.

How did you spend your weekend?

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