
Sunday, March 27, 2011

sunday lameness...

Oh the joys of a sunday night.

After a blah weekend filled with a bit of friend time, a drop of home-work doing, a lot of driving, and not an ounce of time with J., I am ready to call it a day.

Do you ever have days where things seem a bit "off'"? I think its safe to say that today falls into the "I-think-I-feel-a-funk-coming-on" category. I would also say that nothing can help cure a case of the "blahs" like a good nights rest.

So my dear friends, good night and sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got some rest! I love your new blog layout, btw. I hope you got my advice on the email about the tabs-looks great so far! I feel ya about the "funk" thing, me being sick ain't helping and also, I'm so ready for summer and starting to lose motivation...
