
Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

It is 11:00 on New Years Eve and I am plopped on my bed interacting with one of my favorite distractions: my laptop. My resentful suitcase is starring at me alongside a sea of mismatched garments which I carelessly tossed onto the floor after returning home from a recent trip to Florida.

I should probably be unpacking.

Yet, as it always should, writing takes precedence.

In addition to not unpacking, I also tried - and failed - to nap this evening (I seem to always feel sleepy lately despite how many hours of sleep I manage to get). It seems that lately I am unable to follow through and finish things. It is my one accomplishment.

On the trip that I mentioned earlier, my boyfriend, lets call him J., was a bit stupefied when I declared that I was ready to hit the hay at 10:00 one night, and 9:00 the next. I wasn't too surprised when he drew the line at 8:30.

I have never really been one to handle staying up too late - I tend to be an early riser for the most part. However, despite my early bird tendencies, I am not one to deny the simple relaxing pleasure of sleeping in. If anything, sometimes I sleep too much.

I have been thinking about starting a blog for some times now but, like so many other things in my life, I am have putting it off. Why? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe the idea scared me, or maybe I have simply been lazy. Whatever the reason for my hesitation up until now has been, I am here now, writing, and it feels really good.

When I first toyed with the idea of starting a blog I thought that I might focus my writing on a specific interest or passion of mine such as: mindfulness, animals rights, yoga, veganism, music, raw foodism etc. However, choosing one of these outlets posed as a greater difficulty that I originally thought. How could I possibly write about just one thing?

Tonight it occurred to me that I don't have to choose just one. Maybe the real purpose of starting a blog was not to channel my love for writing through one particular area of interest, but to instead learn about what interests me through daily writing.

I guess I figured that tonight, given the fact that it is the very beginning of the year, would be the best time to start something new - even if I'm not entirely sure what it is that I am starting.


Because it is New Years and also because I think that it is inspiring I am going to end this post with a quote that resonates with me in a very special way:

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." - Buddha

Happy 2011 everyone!

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